Martin Carr

New Shapes Of Life
2017 | Tapete Records | Alternativo

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Martin Carr editou este ano “New Shape Of Life”, o terceiro disco sob o seu nome e o segundo através da Tapete Records. Aqui explicou-o faixa a faixa.

#1 New Shapes of Life

I step through the glass and meet up with Mandy on a rain soaked field in Wales. We smoke a joint, her chest hurts but she is loud and funny, funny and loud. She gets married on top of a hill and then the van comes and we are left to carry on without her. Northing changes on the outside, not really, but inside she becomes a place, a sad/happy space that we can visit whenever we want. She is there but nowhere and she is everywhere but here. On we go.

#2 Damocles

Chaos and confusion.

#3 The Main Man

The benefits of automation have not been shared with the people whose jobs they had cost.

#4 Future Reflections

Waking up, reflection, breakfast. Disaster on the news. The mirror.

#5 A Mess Of Everything

Oil painting of a fisherman in his tiny boat. His hungry family wait on the shore but he will return empty handed.

#6 Three Studies Of The Male Back

More reflections and oils. Francis Bacon, stuck in a loop. Marijuana is a reflective surface.

#7 The Van

Thanatos twinned with sleep. The Dullahan calling out your name. Little Pete, King Yama, The Van.

#8 The Last Song

I’m standing on the side of the road one long slow tail of a day, still warm and so quiet. From nowhere The Van pulls up alongside. It is old, it is new. It idles beside me with a low hum, perfectly toned. The door slides open and there is an outstretched hand before me.

sobre o autor


A Arte-Factos é uma revista online fundada em Abril de 2010 por um grupo de jovens interessados em cultura. (Ver mais artigos)

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